Custom Designed Avatars are now available at
Thanks to Fancy Bastard Bill F. for being the avatar guinea pig.
Custom Designed Avatars are now available at
Thanks to Fancy Bastard Bill F. for being the avatar guinea pig.
This is a really good idea, man.
35 bucks!? i better stay with mah pixel art scout!
Well, honestly it's a fair price. Its a commissioned artwork piece that takes 30-60 minutes to complete (more if it's complicated).
I did some research first and saw similar services going for $25 – $80.
Out of curiosity, what do you think is a fair price?
Thanks. I hope others agree with you.
i haven't done the research, so i fugre yer pricing is fair and i'd gladly pay it, but unfortunately the moniez is tite for me, b'c i'd love to have one of those
If one were to pay extra, would you do some flattering embellishments?
being someone who did freelance for a long while before making video games…35 bucks is a pretty fair price as Joel is probably like most artists and lying when he says 30-60 minutes…i imagine he goes over that time cause everything has to be to his satisfaction before handing it over
Screw that! -Design is not a disposable commodity!
Fabulous idea there Joel. Now I just have to find a picture suitable for the task. I will definitely be partaking of this service soon. And the price sounds good to me. You pay $25 or more for a caricature artist to do a piss-poor job of it at a convention or fair or something. I'll surely pay $35 to be Fancy Bastardized.
This is pretty cool… it'd make a good gift for a geek too! You don't keep any rights to the avatar do you? Like, is the buyer free to modify the picture however they want, and put it on anything they want? Even if it is for commercial purposes? (I can't think of any commercial purpose now but I'm sure could be one…)
i dunno, cause i live in argentian and my coin is the "peso" and 4 pesos = 1 dollar so i think i vvould pay U$D10. That's a lot of money here.
Nice artwork. Maybe you could offer the opportunity of a Hijinks cameo to each person that buys an avatar as incentive to buy. All you'd have to do is cut and paste the pic onto Josh's body (or corpse as seems to be the trend). It could also act as an incentive for them to buy a print of the comic they cameo in.
I'd buying one apart from the fact that I have no desire to inflict my face on the intertubes, would you accept another body part?
Now when Joel puts a bar over a dead body and asks "Who dies this week?!" it might actually be a mystery.
"Fancy Bastardized" – Best. Verb. Ever.
I think that's a really good idea (about including buyers in the comic). Even if they're just a background character, it would be cool to say, "I was in that comic!" And it would definitely add more incentive for one to buy a print or the book.
@Joel – I lol'ed at your last condition: "I will not draw you as a wolf or a cat. Sorry." Have you received many furry requests?
i second that!
Thanks. Honestly if these were commissioned pieces for a client I would charge a LOT more. I want them to be accessible to the readers but I also want them to be worth my time.
I hear ya. Keep an eye out and maybe there will be something in the store thats more to your liking.
I'll still be doing them when you're ready.
Well you are welcome to have a certain level of customization for the normal price (accessories, hairstyle, whatever).
Excellent. I'll be ready when you are.
Its not spelled out on the store, maybe it should be, but the avatars are yours to do with as you please. All I ask is that you provide a referral if someone asks where you got it done.
"other body part" You send me a pic and I'll draw it.
I might do something like this as a contest later.
Havent received any yet, but Im just not going down that road. it would take too long and Im sure Id never get it right on the first try.
this was my idea i gave to joel so
LOL. Elf ears wouldn't be too much of a stretch, I hope?
Naw that would be fun.