You Completely Infuriate Me

Iron Man 2 was crazy awesome fun times with robot suits though there were a few scenes from the trailer that I wish had made it into the movie. Namely the “you complete me” scene as noted above and the longer version of Black Widow strangling a security guard with her labia.

Sorry I haven’t posted a comic since Sunday, but I’ve spent the last 48 hours on the couch with vertigo and headaches. I have a condition called Menier’s disease which presents as extreme vertigo and nausea. Luckily my case isn’t very severe at all and attacks only come on a few times a year (usually more when I’m incredibly stressed). Anyway, thanks for not badgering me about comic updates.

I just realized last night that Heroes Con is only 3 weeks away. For some reason in my head “next month” seemed like longer than 3 weeks. Now I’m a little panicky, as I always am before cons because there are hotels to book, and books to ship and ships to hotel, etc, etc. If anyone in Charlotte, NC wants to put me up for the weekend (June 4-6) please email me. It would be helpful if you were near the convention center and also not super creepy. (Update: I’ve got a hotel and some roommates now, so it’s all taken care of)Continue reading

SUPR8 Or Die

No amount of Reese’s Pieces will stop him from cutting a swath of snarling destruction through Ohio. That’s why we have gathered this elite team of scientists, engineers and choclatiers to construct the largest Reese’s Piece the world has ever known… and smash him to death with it.

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If you didn’t see the trailer for J.J. Abrams Super 8 before Iron Man 2 this weekend, I can only assume you didn’t see Iron Man 2 this weekend which must also mean that you are recently deceased. My condolences to your family.

Anyway, the trailer for Super 8 leaked online about 4 seconds after the first midnight IM2 showing but has sense been scrubbed from the YourTubes. As of this exact moment you can still find it HERE (and elsewhere I am sure). Not much to report at this point other than, “looks neat, show me more”.

Regarding my “theory” above, 1979 is 4 years before the events of E.T. The Extraterrestrial so the timeline is perfect. Also you would be remiss to ignore the classic SciFi trope in which the first horrible alien we me (original E.T.) is just a baby, and it’s the momma horrible alien (our locomotively incarcerated friend up there) you really have to worry about. Post your thoughts and theories in the comments!


Monsters Inc 2 Parody Boo Print

Expertly colored by Silkspinner from Complex Actions, who you may also remember from THIS GUEST COMIC.

$15 + shipping.
Printed at 11″X17″ on high quality stock.
Suitable for framing.

Don’t Shoot An Exploding Arrow Into The Messenger

When Burma is overrun with roving bands of unarmed civilians and children, there is only one man they can call. John Rambo will indiscriminately blow up everyone and everything until there is nothing left, and then he will go home. No questions asked. Also sometimes he will use a knife, but his knife also makes people blow up. He’s just that good.


Monsters Inc 2 Parody Boo Print

Expertly colored by Silkspinner from Complex Actions, who you may also remember from THIS GUEST COMIC.

$15 + shipping.
Printed at 11″X17″ on high quality stock.
Suitable for framing.

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

[Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]

Looking At The Big Bang Picture

If you have a chance to watch Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking, and enjoy having your mind blown by space science then I strongly suggest you do… both things. The  watching the show thing and the mind thing. It is essentially an updated Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, but is still wildly enjoyable. Though Hawking’s robo-voice (which he appears to control with eye movements now that his hands no long function) introduces each segment, the voice over duties are quickly assumed by a pleasant sounding British gentleman.

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

There are two things I LOVE about specials like this (especially this very special special):
A) Even when you know in the back of your mind how enormous and random and chaotic and unlikely and OLD the universe is, it’s a real kick in the cosmic pants to be reminded of just exactly how much it is each of those descriptors with stunning visual effects and real world metaphors.
B) Stephen Hawking approaches physics and the universe with what can only be described as love.Continue reading

We Have A 2319!


Monsters Inc 2 Parody Boo Print

Expertly colored by Silkspinner from Complex Actions, who you may also remember from THIS GUEST COMIC.

$15 + shipping.
Printed at 11″X17″ on high quality stock.
Suitable for framing.

When you really think about what happened to Boo, it’s not surprising that she went all revenge-alante monster murderer. I’m sure during those 10 years she spent in the asylumhome for troubled children who have been kidnapped, taken to an alternate dimension and tortured for three days by nightmarish creatures” she had plenty of time to plan her next move. After devising a way to re-enter the monster realm she began stalking her prey and taking them out one by one, making sure to collect a souvenir from each kill. What I’m saying is Monsters Inc. 2 is basically Kill Bill meets Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

If you enjoy HE and and would like to show your support for the comic or The Experiment, please consider getting a book or shirt in the store or making a donation.

[Edward shirts now at Topatoco!]Continue reading