Seriously, Internet, WTF?!

Search Stats 8/23/07

There’s depravity, and then there’s this. What could you possibly hope to find with that search other than shame? (I’m talking about the dinosaur one, not Hermione. That’s wholesome family fun)

Bacn Bacn Bacn Bacn Bacn! I Smell Bacn!

I don’t normally “reblog” here but I thought this story from Boing Boing illustrated rather poignantly something I love about the internet.

“Bacn” is email you want, just not right now. The term was coined durinfg PodCamp Pittsburgh 2 on Sunday and is already clogging up our already bulging tubes.

“…according to Technorati, there are over 350 blog posts containing the word, and it’s the 14th most popular search term of the day.”

Why is this relevant to this site? A couple of weeks ago I made a comic with Wesley Crusher in it. I was pretty happy with how it turned out, so I emailed a copy of it to Wil Wheaton. What the hell, right? He might look at it and get a laugh.

He emailed me the next day and told me how much he liked the comic. The Bacn incident and Wil’s email both say something about the unparalleled options for accessibility and connectivity that the internet allows us. Ideas travel at the speed of thought and reach a wider audience in a shorter amount of time than ever before thought possible.

<off topic> It also says something about Wil Wheaton. He knows why he gets to do the things he gets to do (pro-blogging, cons, speaking engagements, writing books). He knows the fans are the ones that keeps his fire burning. I appreciate and respect that. Wil’s not a major Hollywood celebrity, but I would certainly rather have a cup of coffee with him than some douche like Matthew Mcconaughey.</off topic>