Video Blog #1


Here’s the first video blog. It’s got some basic info on “The Grand Experiment” and some insite into things to come.

Check it out!

I’ll be adding a link to the sidebar but you can subscribe to the HijiNKS Ensue Video Channel here:

Store Update: HELP!

If you have one of the “Roslin ’08” shirts, please send me a pic of you wearing it. It’s not for my personal naughty business. Its for COMMERCE!

This will be the first shirt added to the store, and possibly the only one from the old lot (unless anyone is interested in the Dumbldore Shirts).

FYI, I will use these pics in ads, banners, on the site, etc.



Battlestar Galactica T-Shirt - Laura Roslin for President - Roslin 08

Guest comic for Ugly Hill

Paul Southworth from the excellent comic is taking a week off to recharge. I sent him a guest comic to run while his batteries get juiced. He’s running a whole week of guest strips from various artists.

Check it out!


Drawing monsters is offically fun. There might be another guest strip coming later this week but I’m not saying for who.

[EDIT: Guest strip has since been removed from the website. You can see it below.]


You know what day it is

It’s the day where any link, email or other content you are sent must be opened with careful hesitance, lest ye be unmercifully Rolled in a a Rick-ish fashion.

Josh sent me this item from

What other online Aril Fool’s jokes have you seen? Post them in the comments.


Defendius Labyrinth Security Lock

I’m also loving the Betamx to HD-DVD Converter.


Anyone know who is linking to Podcast #6? It’s getting crazy traffic but I don’t know where from.

Submit questions for Podcast Episode #9


The “Male Sack” was a huge success last time. Your questions were fantastically geeky and created some great moments on the HE Podcast. Let’s go ahead and make this a regular thing. Hit me with your questions. Same format as last time.

I know this is short notice but it’s been a busy week.

BIG ANNOUCNEMENT coming next week. Sit tight.

(remember I won’t answer your questions in the comments. We’ll save them for the show.)


We are going to be interviewing (hopefully) the guy who owns the house where Joss Whedon filmed scenes for “Dr. Horrible“. He probably can’t say much, but if you have questions for him, let us know.