The Podcast Is Back!

After 10 months in the land of wind and shadows the HijiNKS ENSUE podcast is back. I know many of you enjoy the podcast more than the comic (which is 100% fine by me) and that the podcast was really the anchor of the hardcore Fancy Bastard community. I never had any intention of putting it on hold for so long but real life got in the way. It was hard to keep the podcast as a priority when the comic was the thing that was (almost) paying the bills.

The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast!With that in mind, I have a plan. If the HE Podcast is going to continue it needs to contribute to my ability to make it as an independent artist. That is why I am starting a DONATION SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE to keep the podcast alive. If we can reach my goal of 300 recurring donation subscribers (at $5, $10, $15 or $20 a month) by the end of the year (and maintain 300 subscribers or above there after) I will keep the podcast going once a week for the foreseeable future. If by the end of the year we are nowhere close to that goal, I will have to consider retiring it for good.

The good news is there are already about 80 donation subscribers now, so there’s a decent head start. As a thank you for your subscriptions you will get access to The Vault where I will continue to post bonus podcast content and Podcast Post Shows (in addition to all of the regular comic-related Vault stuff). For our comeback episode I have already put up the Post Show and a special uncut version of Podcast Episode 66. Basically it’s the entire show with no editing, which comes to about 25 minutes of extra nonsense. It was Josh’s idea so if it sucks, blame him. If it’s great, it was totally my doing.

So there you have it. If you love the podcast and you can help with a donation subscription, please do so by STARTING YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY. If you can’t swing $5 a month (or even if you can), you can also help by posting a positive review of the show on iTunes. If the show gets greater exposure, it will be easier to eventually attract sponsors.



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    • yep. you figured out my totally transparent, up front, honest sceme. I am trying to trick you all into supporting a part time job that I cant afford to do for free any more. You got me.

      What a shitty way to couch this situation.

  1. Curse you Joel!

    Actually, I've been a regular donator the whole time just because I loved the podcast so much and was hoping it would come back.

    I can't tell you how happy I am that it finally worked out that way. I think it's greatly ironic that I give money to you instead of my NPR station. I listen to you both, but I think you two generate opposite content >.>

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