Dougy Mo’ making the rounds

This is an HE first. Boing Boing has picked up the Doug Morris comic. That’s basically the coolest thing ever. Thanks Cory D.!

It also just showed up on:

Digg and Reddit.

This should be a very exciting afternoon!


It just keeps happening!

WIRED picked it up too. I think that means the cosmic circle is complete.


Valleywag (from Gawker Media) are on board. Thanks, Internet!


Digg made the front page around 6pm. 248 Diggs and going strong.

Idolator and Gizmodo (also from Gawker).

NY got in on the action.

Seriously, a link on Gizmodo is a geek achievement. It’s been a really good day.

Do you Digg Reddit?

I decided to try out Reddit as opposed to Digg to drum up some interest in the comic. If you are so inclined as to participate in this social experiment, please go here and “add points” to my submission (the equivalent of Digging my story).

Hijinks Ensue on Reddit

Comic Update:

I’m hoping to have a new comic up Friday and then make HijiNKS Ensue a twice weekly thing for a while.