PHOENIX COMICON IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I will be there with Blind Ferret at booths 707/806. Other fine webcomicers in attendance will be Randy, Danielle, and Spike at booth (table #517), and David and Rob (Artist Alley at table 649). Little Vampires (booth 712) will be there too! WHEATON will also be there and I suspect we will get into shenanigans[TM].
Last year was my first year at PHXCC and it was an absolute blast. The fans were great, the sales were great and the show is just incredibly well run. Next to Emerald City in Seattle it was certainly one of my favorite shows of 2011.
I will have: books 1 and 2, most of my shirts from the HE Store (not from Sharksplode), sketches, stickers and unexpected, nonconsensual chest bumps, bro-hugs and that move where a bride and groom drink champagne with interlocked arms. YOU are bringing the champagne.Continue reading→