Daddy/Daughter Digital Drawing Time 2013 Fundraiser Print!

hijinks ensue fundraiser print 2013 web

SHORTEST VERSION: My daughter and I collaborated on a print! It’s signed by both of us and limited to 100 pieces. GO BUY IT NOW (and tell 99 of your friends)!

SHORT VERSION: Instead of selling a limited print to pay for a trip for my wife and I on JoCo Cruise Crazy, like I wanted to (and like I have for the past 2 years), I am NOW selling a limited print to pay off an unexpected tax bill from the IRS which cost ALMOST EXACTLY what the cruise was going to cost. THANKS, UNIVERSE! It was drawn by my six year old daughter and I, and I’m SUPER proud of it (mostly of the parts she did).Continue reading

Fancy Digital Sketch Drive 2013 is GO GO GO!

Give me money, I’ll give you art. Very simple. VERY fancy. More info HERE


On August 1, 2012 my outside air conditioner died . The year before that, on August 1, 2011, the inside AC unit died. Both times you, The Fancy Bastards, saved my sweltering ass by purchasing sketch cards from my Fancy Sketch Drive. Here we are on August 1, 2013 and (so far) no major home appliances have exploded, but finances ARE super tight in HijiNKS ENSUE land.

To that end I am offering my first ever Digital Fancy Sketch Drive!For $20 I will draw just about whatever you want and send you a hi-res 8.5×11″ file, suitable for printing and framing. It will have a nice border denoting the 2013 Fancy Digital Sketch Drive and everything.


Comments (11)

Admin Options

just put in a request, but forgot to say, you can IM me if it’s confusing.

it’s likely confusing.

Andrew Stevens's avatar

Andrew Stevens · 97 weeks ago

Hi Joel, when you say to write in the sketch request in the checkout field does that mean the one down at the bottom of the page or on PayPal? If it’s the latter I’ve made a major booboo.

2 replies · active 96 weeks ago

In the box during check out that says “sketch request.” I just checked and you did yours right.
Andrew Stevens's avatar

Andrew Stevens · 96 weeks ago

Thank you, please ignore the incredibly worried email I have just sent you. Of all the things I did wrong one of them was not subscribing to replies on this comment…
echo's avatar

echo · 92 weeks ago

“…like a big shiny golden dick made of lasers…”

Almost made me spit out my coffee!

1 reply · active 92 weeks ago

Nick's avatar

Nick · 67 weeks ago

And I’m still waiting for my drawing. . . . . .

2 replies · active 67 weeks ago

Emailing me would make it easier for me to help you.
I sent your sketch download link via email on October 27, 2013
To that end I am offering my first ever Digital Fancy Sketch Drive!For $20 I will draw just about whatever you want and send you a hi-res 8.5×11″ file, suitable for printing and framing. It will have a nice border denoting the 2013 Fancy Digital Sketch Drive and everything.

Original HijiNKS Ensue Artwork Auctions

I’ve posted a couple of original artwork auctions to help raise money for my trip to The New England Webcomics Weekend.

Most HE comics are 100% digital from beginning to end so I hardly ever put pen and pencil to paper. Other than the very first few HE comics (which I am saving for now) these are some of the ONLY original comic art pieces I have.

You can bid on the original art for The NeverDigging Story over HERE:


And the original art for Christian Slater’s My New BFF over HERE:


You will also get a signed print of the final comic which I will be happy to customize with the message of your choice.

UPDATE: Fixed bad links for the first comic auction.