7th Anniversary Fancy Fan Art Contest Winners

Just under a month ago, HijiNKS ENSUE turned 7 years old. I held a Fancy Fan Art contest to celebrate and here are the winners!

FIRST PLACE goes to Troy Zimmerman for this Edward Gorey inspired version of me. Clearly this is my destiny. This is my inescapable fate. Troy wins a digital commission of any 1 or 2 HE characters of his choice, doing pretty much whatever (within reason).

Troy Zimmerman - HijinksEnsueJIsForJoel7Yrs

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HijiNKS ENSUE 6th Anniversary Fancy Bastard Fancy Fan Art Contest Winners!

Over the last week I have INUNDATED WITH AWESOME from you Fancy Bastards in response to the Fancy Fan Art Contest. I took an extra day to really go over the entires and decide on the winners, but now the envelopes are sealed, the briefcases are welded shut and sunk to the bottom of the ocean ON THE MOON. The decisions are made is what I’m saying. I made my choices based on how well the artist seemed to “get” the HE characters, how much effort went into it, how much it amused me and awarded bonus points for weirdness. Without further delay, here are you 2013 Fancy Fan Art Contest Winners!

In 3rd place with his portrayal of Juan Q. Zach on the Iron Throne is Gary Marks! Of all the hand drawn submissions, this one made me laugh the most.

Gary wins a signed HE comic print of his choice.

[click to embiggen]


In 2nd place with an ACTUAL SONG all about HijiNKS ENSUE is Adam Sakellarides! I was terrified to listen to this, in the event that it might be terrible, but I was wonderfully surprised when the music and singing were great and the lyrics showed a real understanding and love of the comics. I am SUPER FLATTERED by this composition. Way to freaking go, Adam!Continue reading