Weekend Recap

Friday night saw my first front page Digg for a comic (the previous one was for the Guitar Hero III video). Special thanks to EvanStapler for submitting the story, and to everyone that Dugg it. As can be expected the traffic crashed my server and asploded my site. I was on the phone for 3 hours with my host trying to get it back up. I finally had to move to a more robust box (more robust = more $$$). Digg comments are a hard thing to read when they are concerning your own work. They range from innocuous to outright hateful. This was the best one:


I don’t have words for that. It’s poetry.

We were (this) close to seeing Cloverfield but got to the theater and saw this:


So we saw Sweeney Todd instead. My wife gets seasick easily and I have an inner ear/vertigo condition so I figured it best to see C-Field at home where I can sit in front of a puke bucket. Sweeney Todd was fantastic. Beautifully shot and excellently performed. The score was formidable to say the least. I enjoyed the movie even more when, in the first 15 minutes, two different sets of teenagers got up and left. “What’s all this gay singing and shit? Let’s get out of here and go have unprotected sex.”

Tom Cruise’s particular brand of crazy has been all over the net this week. In light of his galactic revelations I wanted to share this happy little accident I saw in Barnes and Noble a few weeks back:


I really do love a good trainwreck

2008-01-04-brittney-spearsYes, this is total schadenfreude, and probably means I’m shallow, but hey, whatev’s.

On to the fantastic news: The crazy train has made it’s final stop.

I mean, if you are going to go out, go out with a motherfucking bang. Own that shit. Own it and love it. Own it like Scarface with a face full of cocaine and a god damned machine gun.

I really wish this would have ended with her beating a tank with an umbrella.