Who: The HE Podcast Crew, a few other friends and YOU FANCY BASTARDS!
What: Shitty Movie Night to celebrate my 28th Birthday (which was June 3rd). We’re broadcasting the event live over Ustream so you can watch along and make fun of the terrible movies with us in the chat room.
When: Saturday Night, 06/27/09 starting at 8pm Central (barring the usual technical difficulties)
Where: The HE Podcast Ustream area
Why: Because it was so god damn much fun last time. Those of you who were there can testify that we had a blast trashing the shittiest of movies with Fancy Bastards all over the world.
Eli is providing the movies, so you know they will be frighteningly aweful. Hope to see you there!
Oh good, you mentioned this on the site, I was afraid you were only going to make a post in the podcast section.
There's one thing I'm afraid of: MSvsGO obviously KNOWS it's shitty, so I hope they didn't just fake cheese it up.
Also, to anyone reading this, as one of the few FBs who remembers that hallowed night so long ago, postpone the wedding.
I shall testify!
Last time, Frankenfish and Machine Girl were so amazingly bad, and the commentary/chat so amazingly good, that I won't want to miss this one.
aaaah shit son!!! I am so in
It'll mean staying up until 2am on Sunday for me but if it's anything like last time it'll be worth it.
I'd like to recommend what may be the shittiest movie ever. It's called "Kindergarten Ninja", and was produced by the D.A.R.E. program. My friends and I once tried to play the game of drinking when something implausible happens… and we stopped an hour into it for fear of death.
The person who got it for us says it came from a bargain bin somewhere, and notes that "kindergarten" was misspelled on the box, and misspelled differently on the disc (which should tell you just how quality the production was).
I am turning 30 today my kids are all sick my husband is being an asshole and did not even buy me anything!
Tears. Of laughter. Streamimg. Down face. Co-workers. Trying to understand. What is so funny.