Episode 79 – Mayor Phoenix Mayor

The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast
The HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast
Episode 79 – Mayor Phoenix Mayor

Show Notes:

It’s Josh’s birthday (but where is he?), Dallas’s mayor drives cabs and fights crime, update on Roger’s rape-van, The Justin Bie-bot, Tom Brislin’s new video-song, we leave Josh a B-Day voicemail, Roger hacks his car which pleases Hitler, Top Gear (US vs. British), Wizard Magazine/ The Wizard/ Wizard World/ Al Gore is an Internet Wizard, some 90’s Batman movie talk, An Idiot Abroad, The Twitsack: networking in creative industries, X-Men: First Class teaser trailer, Who hasn’t read Harry Potter?!,  a random story about masturbation, gay chorus advice, how does a sci-fi tv show succeed or fail?, and a proposition for Josh.

Cast: Joel Watson, Alex Flores and Roger Kort

Rating: Explicit, NSFW, Not for kids

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