I added some new features to the site with some great WordPress plugins. Now when you make a comment on a post you can subscribe to that post’s comments via email. Let me know if it doesn’t work.
I also added a contact form to the contact page.
My very good friend Daniel is a father today. To clarify, he was not one yesterday. I would be a super way to congratulate him if you checked out his photoblog, Arranging Light, and bought a print of one of his awesome photos. There are photos of trees and skies and animals and boobs. I swear they will make you happy.
Thursday’s comic will almost certainly be posted on Friday due to H.I.B.L. (Holiday Induced Bastard Laziness). It’s a serious affliction that, if not treated, can lead to C.L.A.S. (Chronic Laziness Asstard Syndrome).
New plugin make me happy.