Harmful If Ingested

I’m going to be in New York for NYCC all week, and almost immediately after I get home, I’m going to Austin, TX for Webcomic Rampage. This means this week we’re going to try an experiment. Last weekend I asked Twitter and Facebook to give me characters, settings and situations for the first panel of a comic. No dialog, no references, and just very simple set ups. Then I have to make an entire comic that comes AFTER that first panel! For this week I am going to try to make FIVE COMICS based on the suggestion “A man with a dog calls 911.” Since I’m going to be at a convention booth 10 hours a day, I will mostly be using the same art… mostly. I’ll toss in some weirdness where I can.

My Patreon Patrons will be getting ENTIRELY different comics than the ones posted on this site. You’ll be getting 4-5 comics this week, and they’ll be getting TEN. Sign up to be a Patron and you’ll get them all too!

In fact, they can see an alternate dialog version of this comic, RIGHT NOW!

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I am traveling for most of the rest of the month of October and the first week of November, so I hope you guys enjoy the #1stPanel comics since they will likely continue through October and into November. Hell, it’s been pretty fun so far. This might BECOME what Sharksplode IS. We’ll see. I have enough suggestions to go for months, but if you want to toss yours in the mix, please do it via Twitter, @hijinksensue and using the hashtag #1stPanel.

Do you want A TON of bonus, extra and alternate comics from the ones that appear on this site?! Do you want to support my ability to make a living from creating weird comics?! Then my Patreon is THE PLACE for you. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.


In All Fairness

It’s state fair time again! Time to decide which what sort of fried poison garbage your will murder yourself. Ooh! I hope it’s one of those that’s just an ingredient, like fried butter, or fried baking soda or twice fried oil!

I posted FIVE DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF MONDAY’s COMIC and opened it up for all to see HERE on my Patreon!

I posted FOUR alternate versions of Wednesday’s comic just for my Patrons and DANG HOO BOY are they weird. They are HERE.

And I posted FIVE alternate versions of today’s comic just for my patrons. They are HERE.

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Do you want A TON of extra comic jokes?! Do you want to support my ability to make a living from creating weird comics?! Then my Patreon is THE PLACE for you. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.


First Hand Experience

I’ve been making alternate versions of my recent comics with NEW JOKES and posting them exclusively for my Patreon Patrons. I posted 5 DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF MONDAY’s COMIC and opened it up for all to see!!!!

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They’re HERE on my Patreon FREE FOR EVERYONE!

I posted FOUR alternate versions of today’s comic just for my Patrons and DANG HOO BOY are they weird. They are HERE.

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Dearest Sharksploders, please help me get my Patreon over the $2000 hump. Comics is my full time job, but it doesn’t currently pay full time money. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.


La Cucaracha

I’ve been making alternate versions of my recent comics with NEW JOKES and posting them exclusively for my Patreon Patrons. I posted 5 DIFFERENT VERSION OF YESTERDAY’s COMIC and opened it up for all to see!!!!

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They’re HERE on my Patreon FREE FOR EVERYONE!

Dearest Sharksploders, please help me get my Patreon over the $2000 hump. Comics is my full time job, but it doesn’t currently pay full time money. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.


This is a no joke thing that happened to me (and probably everyone else whose ever had an allergy test). It was… disconcerting to say the least. It took me forever to realize why they even test for cockroach allergy. I mean, I didn’t plan on eating all that many of them, or grinding them up into a protein shake, or letting them entomb me in a sarcophagus made of their exoskeletons or whatever. Days later I realized that bugs make up large portion of the dust in our homes, so cockroach brand dust might be especially shitty for people with cockroach allergies. I feel like the smart thing would be to do rails of that sweet cockroach dust off a mirror in a bathroom stall in order to build up a super immunity.

What if they figured out the cure for blindness was to inject cockroach dust straight into your eyeball 6 times a day? Would you do it? I bet your eyes would be able to survive a nuclear holocaust, so there’s something for the plus column. TWO things, actually, because you also got your sight back. Of course, you DID lose all your friends and family because you metamorphosed into a disgusting monster. I don’t mean your physical appearance changed at all. It’s just, who wants to associate with someone who has dusty roach eyes?

Let’s finish this off by collectively pretending I made a joke where the punchline was “….seeing through ROACH colored glasses!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHwhatever.

Missing Mom

I’ve been making alternate versions of my recent comics with NEW JOKES and posting them exclusively for my Patreon Patrons. TODAY, AND TODAY ONLY, EVERYONE GETS TO SEE 5 DIFFERENT VERSION OF TODAY’S COMIC!!!!

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I’ve posted them HERE on my Patreon FREE FOR EVERYONE!

Dearest Sharksploders, please help me get my Patreon over the $2000 hump. Comics is my full time job, but it doesn’t currently pay full time money. Every little bit helps and is QUITE appreciated.
