The Geeks Will Play.
Starting today you will be treated to a trio of guest comics from your fellow Fancy Bastards. Regular HE programming will return on Friday 12-26-08.
You may remember Didu from about 6 months ago when she sent me this completely awesome hand painted birthday card for HE’s one year anniversary. Her guest comic features a slew of background in-jokes that only long time FB’s will be able to appreciate. If you look hard enough you might find a unicorn with multicolored gastrointestinal problems.
Didu is from Finland and does a fantastic music comic HERE. I also believe that because she is small and spritely and is named Didu that she is a magical comic drawing ice-pixie. Those are just my personal feelings and (probably) in no way true.
I am always so impressed by artists like Didu that can actually make awesome art with real art supplies. I am terrible with paints, pencils and pastels. Photoshop is my crutch, my prison (my own prison?). Didu’s comics have that special quality of being desceptively simple. They convey a ton of information and expression with few lines and broad strokes. I envy that. I feel like I have to draw everything in order for you to see it. Real artists can give you just enough info to let your imagination do the legwork.
Didu posted the “making of” on her LJ.
Highlight the inviso-text below to see all the in-jokes:
Back Row: Uninvited guest from Joel’s Birthday, Iron Man, Didu, Boxcar Pete,SethRogan, because he’s in EVERYTHING these days, Unicorn Vomiting a rainbow
Front Row: Eli is drinking “Hooker Blood Remover” and pouring a beer on the floor, and denise has a Car on her face (all from Joel’s birthday party), Little Girl from the Heroes comic “There Goes My Hero,” Josh dancing with Dumbledore from… gay.