Playing with a new art style today. Hope you enjoy it.
HEY SHIRT WANTERS: I’ll be posting holiday shipping deadlines over at my store soon. If you want something before, let’s say, around the last week of December, you should probably order it now.
Want to help me bring back the HijiNKS ENSUE Podcast?! Or at least a NEW PODCAST called HijiNKS ENSUE?! Then my Patreon is THE PLACE for you. My next goal is to relaunch my podcast and updated weekly. Go on and help out if you can. Thanks!
I too do not think about death every waking moment. All the time, no death.
Anyone yet to figure out the value of Joel’s Alt-text is really missing out.
Bwahahahahahaha. A good comic, made epic with the alt text….
The shark is only asking because he skipped lunch today.
Why would a narwhal want to kill a shark, anyway?