Do you Digg Reddit?

I decided to try out Reddit as opposed to Digg to drum up some interest in the comic. If you are so inclined as to participate in this social experiment, please go here and “add points” to my submission (the equivalent of Digging my story).

Hijinks Ensue on Reddit

Comic Update:

I’m hoping to have a new comic up Friday and then make HijiNKS Ensue a twice weekly thing for a while.

Try and Pull This One Off, Cosplayers

The internet wins again.

Here’s a review of Heavenly Sword(s) from The Escapist. Pay attention around minute mark 1:02. I’m not saying this is a picture of Josh dressed as Kratos from God of War from Halloween last year… but, yes that’s exactly what I’m saying.

I doff my cap to you, Internet.



Oh noes. They’ve linked it on Penny Arcade.  I guess about 3 million people just saw that video.

HijiNKS Ensue is

So is bacon. I should have a site called:

You will notice at the bottom of each comic and blog post, there is now a “Share This” button. Using the excellent wordpress plugin of the same name, made by this nice man, you are now able to easily bookmark, digg and email HijiNKS Ensue Geek Comics to your friends the enemies.

Here’s what it looks like: geek comic

I’m finishing up the new comic right now and hope to have it up tomorrow morning. Keep the emails and comments coming. Join the email updates list by emailing me at comics at hijinksensue dawt comz and make sure to add the Geek Comic RRS feed to your RSS thing.

Close, Google, but no drunk polar bears

Today’s Google terms that brought people to this site:

hermione porn
drunk baby polar bears
leeloo costumes
lost ben linus
hot harry potter porn
LOST jacob
ron fucking hermione
harry potter slash blog
henry ian cusick accent

Internet, will you go with me?