Comments Outage/Shirt Orders/Monday’s Comic

Comment Outage:

Intense Debate will be doing scheduled upgrades from 12am – 4am. All comments will vanish, then magically reappear several hours later.

Shirt Orders:

Shirts ordered from April 1st to April 18th are at the printer now. I should get them next week, then turn around and get them out to you. Thanks for you patience as I launch the new store. The process will get much faster in the weeks to come.

Monday’s Comic:

The comic probably won’t be up until the afternoon. I usually stay up util 4am drawing on Sunday night, but I desperately need to reset my sleepklok (sleepklock, SLEEPKLOK!).

This week:

Expect a new podcast, new video blogs, updates on “The Experiment” and new items (not just shirts) in the store.



Get Your Questions in for Podcast #12 “Male Sack”

If you’ve emailed questions or posted them in other threads, please repost them here. We’ll be recording Sunday afternoon, so act quickly! Dear God, posit your queries like there’s no tomorrow. Because there very well may not be.

Also (and don’t hold me to this), we might be talking to the Pope who is visting America. He MIGHT be calling in. No confirmation on this yet. Do you have any questions for him?

Second thing to not hold me to: George Lucas is known for crafting overly verbose titles to his movies. What movies would you like to see renamed by Lucas. Again, he MIGHT be calling in. 

Also, feel free to repost any questions that we forgot to answer last time, since we were in a hurry.

Hotter than Ever

I had always hoped the future would be exactly like this.

We can still make this dream a reality.

On the subject of Lazers and tagging, was I the only one that watched this show?

Shirt Order Update

If you have placed an order since April 1st, I will be ordering your shirt from the printer tomorrow and shipping out as soon as they arrive. I hope to be placing shirt orders every two weeks from here on out and weekly as soon as the store really picks up.

Thank you for your patience as I am using a new supplier and am getting adjusted to the new process. I really appreciate your support.

That also means if you are planning to order a shirt and would like to receive it with the first batch, you should probably order it before Thursday (the 17th) afternoon. 

I would also like to get your feedback on the items I am working on adding to the store. Let me know which items hold the most interest for you.

  • More shirts – I hope to get a new design up every week or two.
  • Prints of comics – These would be full color prints, suitable for framing, about 8.5×11″ size. They would also be signed.
  • Stickers – haven’t found a printer yet for these but I have some designs in mind. Do you know of a good sticker printer? Do you have a sticker you would like to see? Sharksplode?
  • E-Book – with behind the scenes info on the making of the first 100 comics (I’m not to 100 quite yet). It will have sketches, outlines, script notes and an mp3 with audio commentary.
  • Real Books – here’s a dilemma. I would love to print an HE book in full color (preferably the first 2 years of comics) when the time comes, but that is a ways off. I can’t do full color with a print on demand site like because they would charge ME $25-35 per book depending on page numbers. I wouldn’t want to charge more than $20 for the book to YOU guys. That means I can either have NO books for a very long time, or do a black and white book (very affordable through Lulu) with the first 100 comics. If you bought that, it would be with the knowledge that a full color version would be on the way 8-10 months later. Would HE make any sense in B&W. Don’t know how I feel about that.


I might not be able to place the order until tonight or tomorrow (Friday the 18th) morning, so if you want to get yours in, go ahead.

Reader Art and Weekly Linksplode!

Keegan Mykris of the comic sent me this fraktastic rendition of “Godspeed, You Fancy Bastard.”

(click to embiggen)

That’s fucking awesome (if not a little bittersweet since I couldn’t do something that simple and elegant if I had a gun to my head).

Onto Linksplosion!